Mutants in mega city one came on the following Zarjazz formats!
7 Inch - Jazz 2
7 Inch square picture disc - JazzS 2
12 inch Jazz 2 - 12
All formats featured the same two songs.
A - Mutants in Mega City One
B - Mutant blues
Although the 12 inch had the A side in an extended (mutie mix)
The Cover Art
The cover art was drawn by Brian Bolland The 2000ad Artist that drew most of the Cursed Earth and Judge Child Story lines that were around the time of The Fink Brothers first being written into the Judge Dredd Strip by John Wagner.
On the sound of the record
Suggs: "What sort of prompted it was sitting in discos in New York where everything is just so brain-numbingly loud. It immediately kind of threw us together with Mega City One, that sort of uneasy street feeling when you're out late in New York." - Jammin Magazine 1985
Just a One Off?
Are the Fink Brothers your 'wacky' side now? I can't hear any of the so-called nuttiness on the four tracks off the forthcoming Madness album.
"A channel for extra-terrestrial nuttiness? Not really," denies Mr McPherson. "We didn't start The Fink Brothers and then have an idea to make a record, it was the other way around. The name came from a project we were doing, and we didn't intend to do any more with it." - Sounds Magazine 1985
Buy The Record
Long since deleted, the record is available from dedicated fan store Retro Madness at reasonable prices for this collectible work. Most normally instock, some times even with Press Release sheets as an added bonus.
"Welcome to the bone picking party!" - MEAN
(Bok!..Bok!….sound of vicious head butting)
Welcome, Madness fans, 2000AD fans and people who have nothing better to do than aimlessly surf the internet. Twenty Five years ago (1985) the nutty pop band Madness formed a record label named ZARJAZZ! inspired by their favourite weekly comic 2000AD. "Zarjazz" is Betelgeusian for "Brilliant" and brilliant it was. One of the first records on Zarjazz was Mutants in Mega City One. Recorded by members of Madness under the name The Fink Brothers, it was a tribute to the 2000AD character Judge Dredd. This blog is an archive celebration of this mutant masterpiece. Here you will find a guide to this record and the inspiration behind it. Also pictures of Madness as the Fink Brothers and interviews with these mad mutants from 1985. See 2000AD Prog 403 which Madness appear in, (check out the cover!) See pictures of a character named after Suggs! See the video and The Fink Brothers caught on camera! Attacking a kids tv presenter! Finally read extracts from some of the actual Judge Dredd strips read by Suggs and Carl that gave them the idea to write this single and call themselves FINK. Also for the 25th Anniversary year something new from the Finks will appear on this blog too.
Enjoy this new Fink Bloggers edition of 2000Mad before Judge Dredd shuts us down because IT'S THE LAW!…………